Places of Ziyarat in Madinah


1-Masjid-E- Quba


This is the first mosque of Islam. It is the second-largest mosque in Medina. It was built after migrating from Makkah to Madinah. It is located 3 km from Masjid Nabavi. If a Muslim offers 2 Nafl in this mosque, it will be equivalent to performing Umrah.




It is 1st mosque established by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) after his arrival in Madinah. It is the 2nd holiest and largest place for Muslims after Masjid-ul-Haram. Masjid-e-Nabawi was the 3rd mosque built in the history of Islam.

It was built with palm trunks and mud walls and had “3” doors which names were Bab Rehman, Bab Jibril, and Bab al-Nisa. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is buried at this spot under the green dome. First Khalif “Abu Bakar Sadiq (RA.)” and second Khalifa “Umar Farooq (RA.)” are also buried with the Prophet (PBUH).


“The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: One salah offered in my mosque is superior to one thousand salahs offered in other mosques except for Al-haram mosque” (Bukhari)


Muslims offer the prayers in this mosque during the performance of Umrah and Hajj. Hajj is obligatory in Islam and it is not easy for every person to perform it but now a day it is possible through Cheap Hajj Package.



This mosque is near to Al-Nabvi mosque at a distance of 2.5 km. It is the 1st mosque where the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) offered the 1st Khutba of Juma Mubarak and prayed with his 100 companions on Friday. This mosque also knew Al-Wadi Mosque, Bani Salim Mosque, and Al-Ghubaib Mosque.

4-Uhad Mountain


Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) announced, Uhud is a mountain who loves us and whom we love. Ghazwa-e-Uhud took place at the Uhud Mountain and 70 Muslims were killed in this battle. Hazrat Hamza (RA.) who is the uncle of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) also was killed in this battle. This place is included as Ziyarat in Umrah Packages 2021 now a day.




It is a cemetery of Madinah where several companions, wives and daughters of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) are buried. The 1st person who buried in the Al-Baqi was Asad Bin Zararah (RA.). The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) chose this spot to be a cemetery.



This is a wonderful valley which is 30 or 40 kilometres away from Madinah. At this point, all vehicles are automatically moving against the slope at a speed of 120 km per hour. No one knows about such an amazing move.

7- The Site of Battle of Trench


This battle took place during the time of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Muslims dug a trench around the city of Madinah on the idea of Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA.). The purpose of this trench was to defend the Madinah from Quraish Tribes.


There is a mosque at a place where Muslims put their camps. There are five mosques and their names are Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA.), Umar Farooq (RA.), Salman Farsi (RA.), Ali bin Abi Talib (RA.) and Bibi Fatima (RA.).


8-Masjid Al-Qiblatain


This mosque is also known as Masjid-e-Nabawi. In this mosque, Qur'anic verses about the qiblah have been revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In these verses, Allah Almighty ordered the Muslims to change the direction of Qibla or prayer from Al-Aqsa Mosque to Kabbah and after this command, Muslims started praying towards Ka'bah.