Best Tips For Umrah In The Month Of Ramadan

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Benefits of Umrah in Ramadan are countless. It is the best chance for any Muslim to do Umrah during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Ibn-e-Abbas reported that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) asked a woman from Madina:

What prevented you from embarking on the Hajj pilgrimage with us?

She answered: We had 2 camels. My husband and child took one and left the other for the rest of us to ride on.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then told her: When the month of Ramadan arrives, go for Umrah, because Umrah in Ramadan is like accompanying me on Hajj.

Above Hadith denotes the importance of performing the Umrah during the Month of Ramadan. The Prophet (PBUH) did not declare here that Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj. Umrah is not mandatory worship rather Hajj is also mandatory worship.

 Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) performed 4 Umrah and 1 Hajj in his whole life.

Hajj is not obligatory for those persons who are not able to do physically and financially.

Muslims from all over the world wish to perform Umrah in Ramadan, due to a large number of virtues attached, blessed days and nights in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj. 

There are some important tips to plan your Umrah in Ramadan:

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1-The first thing that you need to select is the best travel company that makes systemized arrangements for you. If you are going alone or with family, it is better to book everything early. If you book early then you can find Ramadan Umrah Package with cheaper hotels, flights, and transport.

2-If you are going into a massive crowd so prepare yourself to cope with it. Maintain communication with your group members by mobile phones or select a point to meet somewhere even if you are separated.  It is better for you that you should buy a sim card and anyone can get it by a passport, Umrah visa and sim card thumbprint.

3-Umrah is the best act of worship and it is not a trip or vacation. If anyone goes to Umrah then it is better for you to take only the necessary and light-weight items. As you bring some items (mobile, extra battery, mini Quran, wrist watch and etc.).

4-During the Umrah, there is a big chance that you get separated from your partner or group so always make a point to use hotels as a meeting point. You should always remember that you are in the holiest place on the face of the earth. At this place, you have only one goal which is getting Allah’s pleasure. The purpose of Umrah is to make your body and soul pure like a newborn (Child). You should not spend more than one day on shopping and concentrate on your prayer.

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5-Tawaf starts after the Asar prayer and there is a very crowd of pilgrims during the Tawaf. Duration of Tawaf may take close to an hour, then 1 hour of Sa’i.  The best time to perform Umrah during Ramadan is the morning time.

6-Take into notice the timings of your hotel restaurant of Iftar and Sahoor. To keep yourself active all the day buy and eat dates and nuts. Don’t eat spicy, junk or too much food during Ramadan.